In Which I am Replete with Turkey
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that just celebrated, and for those that don't, I hope you have many reasons to be thankful this fall! I usually host Thanksgiving at my house, so I am still thankful for a reliable oven (my last one was terrible) and a feast that was 90% excellent. I tried a new turkey recipe that had paprika, which wasn't bad. I'm not completely sold on it, but at least I've identified the cause of that coloring on deli turkey.
I am also thankful for a great release month, thanks in part to all of you: Traitor Son just sold 300 copies! It's the teeniest particle of a drop in the ocean compared to bestselling authors, but that is an amazing start for an indie author and you, dear readers, helped make that happen.
When I wasn't refreshing various dashboards, I was working on edits to book two, which goes to betas this weekend, and plotting the first book of Ophele's trilogy, which will be book seven of the Empire of the Stars! I'm still not sure whether to include it as part of the existing series or sell it as its own thing, but while I have reached the end point I originally imagined for the series, there's still so much story left for these characters and world, and I really want Ophele to get her due. And once Ophele and Remin's story is finally done, I'll be asking all of you where you want to go next, because we haven't even begun to explore Noreven, Navatsvi, Benkki Desa, Hara Vos, and the rest of the world.
Traitor Son will be on sale on Amazon through Tuesday, so while you're picking up gifts, why not add it to someone's stocking this year? May your holiday shopping be painless and filled with bargains, and talk to you again next month!
“My grievances are far greater than yours,” Juste replied calmly. “What is it they say? The best revenge is a life well lived? Then let us all build lives of the utmost beauty.”
-Stardust Child